insurance planning

But I'm Invincible

But I'm Invincible | E-Newsletter | September 2024

Most people have a false sense of security by believing that they will not be victims of a critical illness like cancer, heart attack or stroke; and if they are, that the healthcare system will look after them. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What is Insurance?

Insurance surrounds each of us every day: When you get in your car, when you come home to your residence, and while you work. Insurance is always in the background discreetly doing its job. Most of us, however, do not think about it much or realize the very important function that all types of insurance provide. In fact, the role of insurance is so important that it is the focal point of a wise financial strategy.

Life Insurance Simplified

Life insurance, including mortgage or creditor insurance, is a key tool in your financial arsenal. This article will provide a high-level overview to help you better understand your choices when considering life insurance as part of your overall financial strategy.

Life insurance, at its core, protects the standard of living of loved ones left behind after someone passes away. While you pay for it (similar to car insurance), the benefit goes to other people.

Beware of Travel Scams

If you are planning a holiday, it is wise to be aware of the six most common travel scams you might encounter on your journey. Travel scams vary from country to country, but a few scams are commonly found almost everywhere.

We have put together a list to help you stay safe during your adventure.

It won't happen to me. Yeah, right.

Ross and Janis lived a typical Canadian life. They were married, had two children, Melissa and Kyle, and both worked outside the home.

An avid golfer, Ross also went on fishing trips with friends and helped coach his son's hockey team. Janis played the piano, enjoyed bike rides with her friends, and was treasurer for her daughter's soccer team. They played in a mixed curling league.

Mortgage Insurance: Not Necessarily as Advertised

It's all part of the process when you are arranging a mortgage for your new home. The bank employee inevitably asks if you would like to purchase mortgage insurance. No one likes to think about their own mortality; however, we all know deep down that stuff happens. People contract terminal illnesses or suffer debilitating or fatal accidents.

Will you put your parents' retirement at risk?

When Sarah graduated from university and got her first job as a regional sales rep, her parents bought her a car to ensure she'd have a reliable vehicle for the travelling her new position would require. Sadly, only weeks after receiving this generous gift, Sarah hit black ice while driving and lost control. Fortunately, she was alone, and no other vehicles were involved. Unfortunately, the accident left her with severe injuries and a long, uncertain road to recovery.

The truth about term insurance

You may not be ready for this. Despite all you may have heard, term life insurance is not better than permanent life insurance! And whats even more confusing, permanent life insurance is not better than term life insurance!

Mathematically speaking, they're equivalent.Term insurance is cheap initially, but its premiums usually increase at regular intervals, generally every ten or twenty years. It's like renting your accommodation. Most term insurance policies only provide coverage to a certain age.


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